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Microwave safe
Food grade standard
Easy Tear Edge
Versatility & durability
Easy to clean
Heavy Duty/Everyday/ Non-stick

Product dimensions:

Description Specification (Width x Length)
EMBOSSED ALUM FOILS 25SQFT(12mic) 12'' x 8.33YD 30.4cm x 7.62 m
ALUMINUM FOIL 22 SQFT(11mic) 18'' x 4.9YD

45.72cm x 4.48 m

Instructions: To start: open lid, avoiding sharp edge, pull out foil to the desired length. To tear: close lid, grip edge of aluminum foil, tear downwards across cutting edge.
Warning: Cutting edge is sharp. Avoid contact. To avoid damage to your oven, do not line your oven floor or any shelf with foil or allow foil to come in direct contact with the heating element. Do not use in microwave oven. Do not let children use without supervision.

* We also can make other size as per customer request.

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